Vintage the ultimate earth friendly activity
1894 Columbia Postal Scale
$25.00 -
4 Quart Antique Butter Churn
$120.00 -
Antique Swing Handled Picnic Basket
$50.00 -
Antique Victorian Prayer Chair
$195.00 -
Chryco-Glycol Anti-Freeze Tin
$40.00 -
Columbia Family Scale
$120.00 -
First Aid Kit Tin
$75.00 -
Gasoline Can
$50.00 -
Glass Bottom Pewter Tankard
$20.00 -
Gutta Percha Service Station Repair Kit Tin
$50.00 -
Lefton Elf Cream & Sugar Set
$45.00 -
Old Fishing Net
$125.00 -
Philco Bakelite Radio
$75.00 -
Plant Stand
$125.00 -
Porcelain Enamel Pot with Lid
$75.00 -
RCA Victor ACE Radio
$75.00 -
Vintage ‘The Gardsman’ Wall Alarm
$25.00 -
Vintage Binoculars
$40.00 -
Vintage Decorware Tin Waste Can
$70.00 -
Vintage Polo Oil Can
$40.00 -
Vintage Poloron Featherlite Water Cooler
$60.00 -
Vintage Postal Scale
$25.00 -
Vintage School Desk Charcuterie Board (Large)
$75.00 -
Vintage Smelting Ladle
$15.00 -
Vintage Swan Shaped Brandy/Cognac Warmer and Lighter
$75.00 -
Wooden Dough/Pastry Board